Our privacy policy aims to be as readable and transparent as possible regarding the way we collect and process your data. We always collect the minimum amount of personal data necessary to provide our services. We use such data only for direct commercial purposes and (when necessary, for example for tax purposes) to comply with the obligations provided for by current regulations. We do not sell your data to third parties and allow our visitors / users to update or delete their personal data.

Data Controller and Data Processor
The data controller is Enrico Marchetti with registered office in Via Pereira 198, 00136 Rome (RM).

You can contact the owner / manager of the data by email at or by calling +39 348 142 2048.

What personal information we collect and why we collect it

We do not collect payment information : all transactions do not take place directly on this site. In case of payment by Paypal or Credit Card, the transaction takes place on the Paypal site. To know how Paypal treats your personal data you can read the informative clicking here .

When registering on our site we collect the following data: Username you have chosen, Email address and Password. This data is stored in our database to allow the normal and correct operation of our site.

Your email will not be used for Marketing purposes (sending advertising emails from us) unless you have registered it in our Newsletter.

Your password is encrypted in our database and we have no way to see / retrieve it. If you forget it, you will need to request a new one by clicking on the link in the login form.

Contact forms
When you complete one of our contact forms, we collect the following data: Name, Surname (only when provided), Email, Telephone number (only when provided). This data is necessary to enable us to respond to your request (s) and is not used for business marketing purposes.

Newsletter (Mailchimp)
When you subscribe to the Newsletter of this site (by ticking the mandatory consent to this information and clicking on the link received in the confirmation email) you will provide us with your email and optionally also your name and surname. The Newsletter of our site is treated in its entirety (saving of your personal data on server and sending advertising emails) by Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is a world leader in sending newsletters. Once registered, you can modify / delete the personal data you provided and your subscription to the service by updating your preferences whenever you receive an advertising email; or, alternatively, request cancellation from us at any time by clicking here .

Product Comments and Reviews
When visitors or registered users leave comments on the site (including product reviews), we collect the data shown in the comments form in addition to the visitor’s IP address and the browser user agent string to facilitate spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also known as a hash) can be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After your comment is approved, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images that include embedded position data (EXIF GPS). Website visitors can download and extract any location data from the images on the website.

Navigation data
For the proper functioning of this site and the services provided, IT systems and software procedures are required which, during their normal operation, acquire certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This is data that is not collected to be associated with identified subjects, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified (eg IP addresses) . These data, as well as to allow the normal operation of our site, are used only for anonymous statistical information on the use of the service and to check its correct functioning and are kept for the period strictly necessary and in any case in compliance with the regulations in force.

This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the browsing experience and allow surfers to use our services. Cookies are small text files sent from our website and stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device. They contain basic information about browsing the Internet and thanks to the browser are recognized every time the user visits the site.

Some practical examples of Cookies:
If you leave a comment on our site, you can choose to save your name, email address and website in cookies. They are used for your convenience so you don’t have to enter your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
If you have an account and access this site, a temporary cookie will be set to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie does not contain personal data and is deleted when you close the browser.
When you log in, different cookies will be set to save your login information and screen viewing options. Login cookies last two days while cookies for screen options last a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your access will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, login cookies will be removed.
If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include personal data, but simply indicates the ID of the article just modified. Expires after 1 day.
Content embedded from other websites
Articles / pages / products on this site may include embedded content (such as videos, images, articles, google maps, etc.). The contents incorporated by other websites behave in exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited the other website.
These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, integrate additional third-party tracking and monitor interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to collect information regarding the use of our website, such as the number of daily visitors and / or a specific period of time, the number of pages viewed and the popularity of certain pages / articles / products. Google Analytics uses Cookies and other similar technologies to identify your device and provide information about it including:
IP address (anonymized thanks to the special function to prevent the storage of information relating to complete IP addresses. The information used may, therefore, be considered not falling within the definition of personal data and the processing of the same is removed from the obligation of user’s prior consent)
Geographical location (approximate)
Type of device (computer, smartphone, tablet)
Operating system and browser used
Which site did you visit before arriving at our website.

Our website does NOT use the Google Analytics advertising functions and therefore does not perform user profiling and / or remarketing operations through it.
With whom we share your data
All personal data collected on our site is treated as confidential. We disclose in part or in full your data in the limited circumstances described below and with adequate guarantees on your privacy:

If required by law, we will disclose information about you in response to a subpoena, court order or other legitimate government request
With our employees and / or authorized individuals who need to know the data you sent through our site in order to allow us to offer you our services and / or for administrative purposes, billing, taxation and all other purposes related. We require all of them to strictly comply with this Privacy Policy.
Mailchimp : to enable our Newsletter to work properly.
With our hosting provider: Serverplan (only the navigation data mentioned in the previous paragraph “ which personal data we collect and why we collect it “)
How long we keep your data
The data you send during the sending of a purchase order are kept indefinitely and in any case for the period of time necessary for administrative and tax purposes.
Your username, email address and account password created on this site are stored indefinitely or until you request their deletion.
The data you send us by filling in the contact forms are saved indefinitely on our servers and on our company devices. You can request the deletion of such data at any time by consulting the following paragraph “what rights do you have your data”.
The email address you provide when you subscribe to the Newsletter is saved indefinitely or until you request cancellation .
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are kept indefinitely. This is how we can automatically recognize and approve any subsequent comments instead of keeping them in a moderation queue.
Your data on Google Analytics is stored for 26 months for statistical purposes. After this period of time they will be automatically deleted.
The navigation data is kept for the period strictly necessary and in any case in compliance with the regulations in force.
What rights do you have on your data
If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive a file exported from the site with the personal information we have about you, including the data you provided. You can also request that we delete all personal data about you, including those you provided by placing an order, registering an account and / or filling in the contact forms and keeping them on our servers and on our corporate devices. This does not include the data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes.

If you want to know what personal information we have and / or wish to delete, you can do so by sending an email

Where we send your data
Your personal data resides on our corporate devices and (even those shared with our hosting provider) in any case within the European community.

The data you provide to subscribe to the Newsletter is also processed outside the European community (Mailchimp’s servers are located in the United States).

The data collected by Google Analytics is processed in the United States.
Visitor comments can be checked through an automatic spam detection service.

Contact information
For any information / doubt / question regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact the data controller / manager, Mirsada Pepaj at or by calling to the number +39 348 142 2048 .

How we protect your data
We do our best to keep your personal information safe. We use secure protocols for communication and data transfer (such as HTTPS). We use anonymity and pseudonym wherever possible. We monitor and update our systems in order to prevent possible vulnerabilities and attacks.

Even if we do our best, we cannot guarantee information security. However, we undertake to notify data breaches to the competent authorities. We will also inform you if there is a threat to your rights or interests. We will do everything reasonably possible to prevent security breaches and assist the authorities in case of violations.

From what third parties we receive data
We do not receive data from third parties.

What automated decision making and / or profiling we do with user data
We do not profile our users / visitors.

Changes to the privacy statement
This privacy statement is effective as of 06.15.2021 and Enrico Marchetti may modify or update its content.

To this end, we invite you to visit the Privacy section to check the updated version.